- Claims made and reported
- Prior acts available
- Defense costs outside
- No deductible
- Incident sensitive claim trigger
- Consent to settle (NO HAMMER)
- Extended reporting period:
- DDR free after age 55 and 5 years with GenStar
- 12, 36 or 60 months available for additional premium
- Trial Cost Reimbursement $500 per day/$5,000 per year
- Medicare/Medicaid Billing Error Defense $30,000 per year
- State Medical Board Legal Expense $25,000 per year
- Part time credit available
Claims made and reported
- Prior acts available
- Defense costs outside or inside
- Low deductible
- Incident sensitive claim trigger
- Consent to settle with hammer
- Extended reporting period:
- DDR free after age 55 and 5 years with GenStar
- 12, 36 or 60 months available for additional premium
- Part-time credit available
- Premium Payment Plans available
- Standard and non-standard CRNAs, employed, self-employed, moonlighting, independent contractors, multi-state exposure
- Ketamine, infusion services
- Primary $1,000,000/$3,000,000
- Virginia Statutory Limits
- Excess Limits up to $5,000,000
- GenStar or Equivalent CRNA New Business Application
- Seven years loss runs