Claims made and reported
- Prior acts available
- Defense costs inside or outside
- Low or no deductible
- Incident sensitive claim trigger
- Consent to settle with hammer
- Extended reporting period:
- DDR free after age 55 and 5 years with GenStar
- 12, 36 or 60 months available for additional premium
- Part-time credit available
- No deliveries credit available
- Premium plans available
- Nurse Midwives certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB)
- New to practice or experienced
- Low risk pregnancies only
- Private solo practice
- Group practice, employees of OB/GYN group, employees of birth centers
- Nurse Midwives with issues (some coverages may not be available)
- Primary $1,000,000/$3,000,000
- Virginia Statutory Limits
- Excess Limits up to $5,000,000
- General Star or Equivalent New Business CNM Application
- Seven years loss runs